Sponges Usage Tips & Care

Directions for Use:

  • Rinse and Soak fully to soften: When you first receive the sponges, they are hard and dry. Please saturate fully with water and squeeze a few times to allow the water to fully permeate the sponge. You will find that the sponges become lovely and soft!
  • Inspect Before First Use: Check the sponges to ensure that no sea particles have become lodged in the canals – while our processing procedures are designed to eliminate these, some tiny particles on occasions may remain.
  • Lather up! Add your usual bath wash or soap to the larger sponge and create a soft soapy lather to wash yourself with.
  • Medium Sponges: These can be used to clean your face or neck area.
  • Mini sponges: These small sponges can be used for light cleansing around the eyes, for example, and are perfect to use with cleansers. Please be aware that if used for heavy eye make-up removal, the sponge may discolour depending on the type of eye make up that is being removed. This should only affect the color itself but not its functionality or softness.
  • Signs of Wear & Tear: It is completely normal that with regular use, sponges will show signs of wear and tear over time. Sponges are completely natural and cannot escape erosion through use. Constantia Beauty has selected quality sponges so that these last as long as possible, and in addition to this, one of the reasons we offer a multipack is so that you can spread the use over these for longer before needing to consider a replacement.

Caring for Your Natural Sea Sponges:

  • How to Freshen Your Natural Sea Sponges: Soak occasionally in warm water with baking soda. Rinse thoroughly afterwards to ensure all baking soda has washed out completely. A properly cared for sponge can give many months of bathing pleasure.
  • What is the best way to look after these sponges? After use, rinse thoroughly so that all soap suds have washed out. Squeeze dry and leave in a well ventilated place to dry fully. You can store the sponges in the Constantia Beauty bag once fully dried. To keep these within easy reach for future use, you can hang the bag via a suction cup (not included) on a tiled wall in your bathroom.